As Mansfield Christian School enters our seventh decade, we have developed a bold and intentional plan of action to expand and deepen our footprint. Your contribution to Mansfield Christian School allows us to continue providing opportunities for our children’s spiritual and educational development.
We are publicly launching the most ambitious and transformative capital campaign in MCS history! We are asking families, friends, and the community to join us in giving to the Mansfield Christian School Capital Campaign.
Taxpayers now have a cost-free way to contribute to the students at Mansfield Christian School. With Ohio’s new state tax credit, individuals who donate to a Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) can receive a dollar-for-dollar reduction in their state taxes up to $750. These funds can be designated specifically to MCS.
The Century Club fund allows the school to respond to pressing needs, such as system-wide maintenance and improvements, property and facility renovations, security measures, classroom resources, and capital projects. A minimum donation commitment of $2,500 annually registers the donor as an MCS Century Club member.
Christian education is one of the most important investments a family can make for their child’s future, and we recognize the financial commitment. Some families have unique circumstances that may limit their ability to pay tuition. The Joseph Fund helps meet temporary needs of families facing unexpected financial hardships to stay at Mansfield Christian.
The Capital Campaign allows the school flexibility to respond to our greatest needs, such as program enrichment, innovative curriculum, staff retention, professional development, and system-wide maintenance and improvements. Giving to this fund provides students and staff enhanced opportunities in all areas of life and learning.
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