Dr. Smith Addresses Transgender Restsrooms in Schools - Mansfield Christian School

Dr. Smith Addresses Transgender Restrooms in Schools



May 18, 2016
 MCS FAMILIES: Dr. Smith Addresses the US Government’s Recent Directive on Transgender Restrooms in Schools
Last week, the U.S. Department of Education issued a directive to schools across the country that federal law requires them to allow students to use restrooms and locker rooms “consistent with their gender identity.”  The Department of Education maintains that requiring transgender students to use same-sex facilities violates Title IX, a law written in 1972 to prohibit discrimination based on gender. 
The directive was addressed to public schools, charter schools, public colleges, libraries and museums that receive federal aid.  Private religious schools, like Mansfield Christian, were not included in the directive as this issue clearly represents a position contrary to the very foundation of our existence – the Biblical worldview. 
Our attorneys with the Assoc. of Christian Schools International (ACSI) saw this conflict coming two years ago and encouraged Christian schools to begin addressing the transgender issue in our policies.  Mansfield Christian wisely followed this advice and our position is clearly defined in our admissions materials, employee applications, and policy handbooks:
 Mansfield Christian School’s biblical role is to work in conjunction with the home to mold students to be Christ like. Of necessity, this involves the school’s understanding and belief of what qualifies or characteristics exemplify a Christ like life. The school reserves the right, within its sole discretion, to refuse admission of an applicant or to discontinue enrollment of a student if the atmosphere or conduct within a particular home or the activities of the student are counter to or are in opposition to the biblical lifestyle the school teaches. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, participating, supporting or condoning sexual immorality, homosexuality activity, bisexual activity, or transgender identity promoting such practices; or being unable to support the moral principles of the school. (See Lev. 20:13 & Rom. 1:27, I Cor. 6:9-20 & Mat. 19:4-6)
There are some who criticize Christian schools for protecting children from the “real world.”  At Mansfield Christian, we make no apology for protecting your children on the issue of transgender restrooms.  It is not only plainly unsafe, but is completely inconsistent with what we are teaching about the unique roles that God has designed for males and females.   If this government directive ever becomes connected to federal funds, MCS will “pass” on the funding without hesitation to preserve our Christian convictions. 
It has become increasingly clear that our society does not share our Christian values.  Thank you for standing with other Christians to invest in Christian education – together, we can keep our school strong and train our children in what is right according to the Word of God. 

Dr. Cy J. Smith, Superintendent   
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