"The Shocking Truth of What Young People Believe" - Mansfield Christian School

"The Shocking Truth of What Young People Believe"



January 5, 2016

I assume this title has grabbed your attention – it certainly did mine. “The Shocking Truth of What Young People Believe” is the title of the article by Joseph Lalonde on the attached link. It is well-worth your time to read this month.

Several of the statistics were quite sobering for those of us with children under the age of 18. For instance, 41% of the responders rarely attend religious services and 47% agreed that sometimes you have to bend the rules to your own benefit to get by. The comparatively small amount of time spent with fathers was also alarming and unfortunate.

For those of us in Christian education however, most troubling were the 46% of responders that do not believe the Bible provides a clear and indisputable description of moral truth. We fight against this lie from our worldly culture every day at MCS. In our weekly study on mentoring this emerging generation, we [faculty] are learning why it is so important to communicate knowable truth about God, humanity, and culture to our students. Teacher and speaker, Sean McDowell (son of Josh McDowell) wrote that it’s not enough just to give our kids to the truth or even make sure they know the truth. Young people today “need to know that they actually know the truth.”

This is the foundation of our curriculum at MCS. Every subject in school contains knowable truth that God has placed there for a reason. Our teachers must help students discover these truths and understand why they are indeed true, not just true for us as Christians, but true for everyone, everywhere.

At the close of the article, the author describes several ideas for overcoming these negative trends with our children. It was again good to see that the suggestions were exactly what we are training our teachers to do every day at MCS!


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