MCS CLOSED MARCH 16TH-APRIL 3RD - Mansfield Christian School


Monday, March 16, 2020 10:00am-
Friday, April 3, 2020 11:00am

Dear Mansfield Christian School Community,

Thank you for your prayers as our leadership team works through the unprecedented events brought on by the emergence of the coronavirus threat (COVID-19).  Each day we are learning of new directives and guidelines that will determine the course of education across our state.  This afternoon, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced that all schools in Ohio will be closed for the next three weeks as a precaution against the spread of COVID-19.  The Governor also banned most mass gatherings of 100 or more people which will also impact many school related events.  The Bible clearly communicates that we should obey those whom God has placed in authority over us whenever possible, so following multiple discussions by the leadership team, we would like to provide you with the following updated guidance.

Please review the information carefully and understand the difficult implications of these decisions.  Please know that we are complying with directives from a desire to demonstrate caution and protect our families and guests.


  • School will be closed beginning Monday morning, March 16 - April 3 for all students PreK-12.
  • Teachers and staff only will report on Monday, March 16, for professional development training and planning for online instruction.
  • Effective Tuesday, March 17, MCS will transition to remote (online) delivery of education.  Teachers will be providing additional instruction to their students on how their content will be delivered.
  • Spring break will remain as scheduled for the dates of March 23-27.  
  • The online delivery of education will occur from March 17-20 and resume after spring break, from March 30 - April 3.  Teachers will be available for student questions and discussions on these days. 


  • Grandparent's Day for grades K-6 scheduled for Friday, March 13 has been cancelled.
  • The Open House and Pancake Breakfast scheduled for Saturday, March 14 has been postponed and will be rescheduled.
  • The National Honor Society trip to Washington, DC, scheduled over spring break has been cancelled.
  • The winter sports banquets scheduled for Sunday afternoon, March 15, have been postponed and will be rescheduled.


  • Coaches and advisors will be communicating any forthcoming changes to practices and games for spring sports.
  • The spring musical is under review and more will be communicated as the details unfold.


  • All employees should coordinate with their supervisor to determine work expectations during this time.


  • Please try to stay connected to both MCS and each other over the next few weeks.  We encourage you to communicate new learnings, unexpected blessings, and how this experience is shaping the way we view the world/people/evangelism/possessions, etc.
  • Utilize your MCS provided subscription to Right Now Media and watch a local church service online if your church has cancelled services. 

We will do our best to keep you informed of any further changes as they may be required.  Each day seems to bring something new for us to consider.

Thank you again for your understanding as we seek wisdom from the Lord to lead wisely in these unique times. Thank you for taking this matter seriously and for adhering to the best practices of proper health protection outlined by the  Center for Disease Control (CDC).  We trust the Lord because we know He is faithful, and we pray that God grants you good health and safety. Thank you for being a part of our MCS family.



Dr. Cy J. Smith


Mansfield Christian School

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