A Call for Prayer - Mansfield Christian School

A Call for Prayer

Monday, November 5, 2012

A CALL FOR PRAYER: Presented by the Spiritual Life Committee at MCS
For MCS and the NATION – On MONDAY, NOVEBER 5, 2012

“God shapes the world by prayer. The more praying there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the force against evil.” (E. M Bounds)

At 6:00 pm all who can are requested to join us for a united closing prayer in the Multi-Purpose building. Everyone who can is encouraged to fast a meal or two and be in prayer for the Nation and MCS using the prayer focus guide listed:

  • God to forgive our sins and the sins of America for “calling good evil and evil good” (Isa. 5:20) For God-fearing leaders to be elected in this election (Pro. 29:2)
  • The Church to become the house of prayer, crying out for revival in the Church, spiritual awakening in America, moral renewal in our culture and righteousness in our government (2 Chro.7:14)
  • MCS students to become mighty instruments in the hand of the Lord to influence our culture and change our world (Dan. 11:32; 12:3)
  • MCS family to be rooted and grounded in biblical morality, love, righteousness and truth (Eph. 3:17)
  • Financial breakthrough for all MCS monetary needs ( 2 Cor.9:6-10)
  • Whatever the Holy Spirit brings to your attention.

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jer.29:13)

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