Anniversary Back-to-School Night and Ice Cream Social - Mansfield Christian School

Anniversary Back-to-School Night and Ice Cream Social

Sunday, August 21, 2011 - 6:15pm

The annual Back-to-School Night event will take on an anniversary theme this year as we celebrate with an ice cream social and prayer time. Back-to-School Night has been moved to Sunday evening, August 21, from 6:15-8:00pm.
Agenda as follows:
• 6:15-6:45pm Ice cream social (back lawn of the school; free bowl of ice cream and toppings)
• 6:45-6:55pm Prayer time for MCS led by Dr. Smith and Mr. Mike Frontz, Board President.
• 7:00-7:25pm Elementary (K-6) Session #1 parent meeting with teachers*
• 7:30-7:55pm Elementary (K-6) Session #2 parent meeting with teachers*
• 7:00-7:30pm Secondary (7-12) parent meeting in HS gym
• 7:30-8:00pm Secondary (7-12) open house to visit rooms and meet teachers
*Elementary teachers will plan for two separate parent meeting times (each 25 min.) to accommodate parents with multiple children.

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