Affordable Education for All: Ohio's New Legislation Makes Private Schools Accessible - Mansfield Christian School

Affordable Education for All: Ohio's New Legislation Makes Private Schools Accessible

July 17, 2023

New Ohio legislation just made private education affordable for all! MCS is seeing a surge in demand from Christian families, and there are limited openings left in 2024.

The only obstacles standing in your way now? Time and space—and neither is a problem if you act quickly by applying today. 

Wondering how this newly passed legislation will impact your family? 

HB33 includes the largest expansion of educational choice in the state’s history, ensuring that every family will receive a scholarship. Families with income at or below 450% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) will receive the maximum voucher amount. This means a family of four with a total household income of $135,000 or less qualifies! Families with higher incomes stand to benefit, too, of course. Those with incomes exceeding 450% of the FPL are eligible for decreasing voucher amounts based on a sliding scale.

"It is estimated that between 75-80% of Ohioans will qualify for the full voucher amount under the new scholarship guidelines," said Dr. Cy Smith, Superintendent at MCS. "...Tuition at Mansfield Christian is just below the voucher amount in the high school and just above the voucher amount in grades K-8.  So, whether it is a family that has sacrificed for years to make Christian education a reality, or it is a new family to Christian education, this guaranteed financial help is an incredible blessing for everyone - and is essentially an answer to prayer for so many."

The passage of HB33  is welcome news for Christian families who harbor concerns about public schools but have not been able to afford sending their children elsewhere. With the passage of HB33, a broader menu of educational options is now available for anyone interested in providing their children with academic experiences rooted in biblical worldviews. 

Since we opened our doors in 1961, MCS has been helping students like yours by guiding their spiritual formation and empowering them to excel in their academic endeavors. At MCS, we also know an education is incomplete without the shaping influences of a student’s family and church. For over 50 years now, we have been partnering with both to help students grow as Christ-followers, and to prepare them for a lifetime of heeding the call of Jesus. 

To ensure that your student benefits from our unique educational approach, get ahead of the growing surge of applicants by starting the process for your child today. Visit and click “Apply Now” to begin. While you’re at it, browse our website to learn more about our school and what we stand for.

We think you will like what you discover in the process. 


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